Get the freedom and care you deserve

Finding the right retirement care isn't just about where you'll live – it's about securing your freedom, happiness and financial peace of mind, both for yourself and your family.

We've created a simple calculator that presents the Deferred Management Fee costs of a retirement village unit over three years versus the personalised care provided by Kate McLean Homecare.

The best choice for you and your loved ones

Stay at home or move to a retirement village? It’s a big decision, so here are some key considerations:

  • The Deferred Management Fee (DMF): Retirement villages charge 10% per year for up to three years – meaning 30% of your unit’s purchase price goes back to the village.
  • Independent units don’t provide care: Care only begins when you move to a rest home or hospital facility but even then, the level of care doesn't compare to the one-on-one support Kate McLean Homecare provides.
  • For example: If you buy a $1m unit, after three years you'll lose $300k back to the village. However, if you stay at your cherished home, that $300k is at your disposal for dedicated in-home care.
Calculate your options with ease
Considering a reverse mortgage?

If you’re considering using the equity in your home to fund your retirement care, explore the option of a reverse mortgage. This allows you to stay at home while funding care. Find out more.

Want to know more?

Homecare might be the perfect option for you. Contact us today for a free personalised comparison.

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Why consider alternatives to retirement villages?
  • No Direct Care Access: Buying an independent unit, apartment, or townhouse in a retirement village doesn’t automatically provide you access to personalised care.
  • Limited Financial Benefits: As an owner, you're often only acquiring a licence to occupy, with no capital gains from the property.
  • Costly Fees: Retirement villages typically charge a deferred management fee, which can significantly impact your finances over time.
  • Ageing in Place: Many older adults associate “aging in place” with positive attributes such as maintaining one's autonomy and independence in a community that offers social connections and access to services.
No direct care access

Purchasing an independent unit, apartment, or townhouse in a retirement village doesn’t automatically grant you access to personalised care.

Limited financial benefits

As an owner, you're often only acquiring a licence to occupy, which means you don't benefit from capital gains on the property.

Costly fees

Retirement villages typically impose a deferred management fee, which can significantly impact your finances over time.

Aging in place

Many older adults view “aging in place” positively, as it allows them to maintain autonomy and independence while staying in a community that offers social connections and access to essential services.

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